
Ο λόγος στασίμων 1:1 ενός κεραιοσυστήματος, δεν συνεπάγεται τον 1:1 λόγο μεταφοράς ισχύος, προς την κεραία!
Showing posts with label 3 el VHF Yagi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 el VHF Yagi. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

2 X 3 el VHF beam antenna

After I've built and published a 5/8λ VHF vertical antenna, I've built a pair of 3 element Yagis! Although temporary-experimental construction, they served me well for a couple of years. Then I homebrew my first HF monoband radio and I forgot all about them. They stayed atop of my roof, exposed to the elements since 1993 so I think its just about time to let 'em pass to oblivion! I will reuse/recycle all that can be saved and the rest goes to the skip! 20 years pass and all good things goes to an end.