Wednesday, 20 April 2022


Ερώτηση για την απόδοση της  Double Bazooka.
Απάντηση με κακά μαντάτα.

...I am researching the Double Bazooka as another antenna I would like to experiment with on 20/40 meters. I'd like to hear from anyone who has used this antenna in the it more than just a glorified dipole or inverted V ? Has anyone tried building it with 75 ohm coax (I have quite a bit of this left over from my cable TV days).
If It somehow achieves performance that can not be realized with an ordinary Inverted V, I may give it a shot.
Thank You. Rod, K5FRH...

Charles Tom Rauch
This antenna has been analyzed and tested many times over my radio lifetime.
I once owned Midport Electronics and one of my employees sold them at Hamfests using unrealistic claims. I had BC field strength meters, because I did some SW and AM station antenna proofs.
I took one to my house and set it up in the clear and made all sorts of measurements. (I can't recall if it was actually one of his, or one I made. That was like around 1970 or so.)
It was ever so slightly lossier than a dipole, no quieter for noise, and actually not any noticeable amount wider BW than a regular old dipole made from the same materials. He continued to justify selling them, saying "people report they are better so I'll keep selling them" or something like that.
I tested another on for someone from IAC years later. It measured exactly the same as earlier tests, within instrument and site tolerances.
Walter Maxwell in "Reflections" does a pretty good analysis, as has other over the years. His theoretical conclusions paralleled the measurements I made some years earlier (around 1970 or so).

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