Sunday, 15 May 2016

5 in 1 tester!

5 in 1 Tr, Fet, Xtal, LED tester!

5 in 1 Tr, Fet, Xtal, LED tester!

This is a basic 5 in 1 testing board to give an indication of whether a transistor is working. It is also useful to check that a crystal works on frequency in conjunction with a radio receiver and to check LED's and their polarity.
To begin ensure that all the transistors are good ones and the LED lights. Then exchange whichever the one is you are going to tast. Finaly remove the crystal to ensure that the LED goes out to prove that the transistors turn off and are not just shorted. The circuit works by the FET Pierce crystal oscillator osci;;atinf and then the signal is rectified which is able to switch on the next transistors to light the LED.
Purposely made with three different types of transistors it will work with JFET positive types such as 2N3819, BF 245, J113 etc, and small NPN transistors like 2N2222, BC108, 2N3904 etc and PNP types BC212, BC558, 2N3906 etc. The wire ended crystals which the G-QRP Club sell fit nicely into the IC socket. It's helpful to label the sockets which as you can see from the photo, they are done in the sequence EBCE and DSGD to accommodate all transistor body connections.

Courtesy of G4UMB

5 in 1 Tr, Fet, Xtal, LED tester!

5 in 1 Tr, Fet, Xtal, LED tester!

Ένα βγάζεις-ένα βάζεις, το φωτάκι ανάβει!

5 in 1 Tr, Fet, Xtal, LED tester!

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