Sunday, 27 June 2010

Edgar Harrison

Edgar Harrison
Soldier, Patriot and Ultra Wireless Operator to Winston Churchill

By Geoffrey Pidgeon

Edgar Harrison had the most extraordinary adventures in World War II. This book details the life of the man from his earliest years through a career in the Royal Corps of Signals an abrupt move into MI6. The story of his numerous missions on all fronts and his time as an Ultra operator for Winston Churchill, is fascinating.

“...Posted to Greece he was again on the retreat when the Nazis launched their overwhelming attack, he however, refused to surrender with other Allied troops. Instead, he made his escape via Kalamata in a rowing boat before being rescued by a British warship. He landed in Crete and was soon retreating again and was later evacuated to Cairo where he spent time recuperating from the wounds...”

Non Member's Price £14.99  
RSGB Member's Price £12.74

Αυτή η απόδραση από την Καλαμάτα με βάρκα με κουπιά μου θύμισε τα δικά μου παιδικά χρόνια.
Ένα μεσημέρι μαζί με τον ξάδελφό μου αποφασίσαμε να "δανειστούμε" την βάρκα του θείου και να πάμε βόλτα στο λιμάνι της Καλαμάτας. Αρμόσαμε το κουπιά τα οποία ζύγιζαν περισσότερο από εμάς και "κωπηλατούσαμε" καμιά ώρα μέχρι που ήρθαν με το ...αυτοκίνητο και μας μάζεψαν γιατί δεν είχαμε λύσει από τον μώλο!!!

Επίσης μία ακόμα ιστορία είναι αρκετά διασκεδαστική!

“...A Greek civilian in Athens approached and invited him to lunch. During the meal-of particularly good stake- the local ascertained that Edgar spoke no Greek. So he helpfully taught him to pronounce two words, “logariasmo parakalo” and said they were all Edgar need to know. The Greek excused himself at the and of the meal and was gone rather a long time, so Edgar summoned the waiter with “logariasmo parakalo”- and was promptly presented the bill!
Needless to say, he never saw his civilian “friend” again...”

Ένας Έλληνας στην Αθήνα τον καιρό της υποχώρησης τον κάλεσε για φαγητό. Αφού έφαγαν μια ιδιαίτερα καλή μπριζόλα, τον έμαθε να ζητά τον λογαριασμό στα Ελληνικά και του την κοπάνησε αφήνοντάς τον να πληρώσει! Εννοείται πως δεν τον είδε ξανά αυτόν τον “φίλο” του!!!

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