qrp, homebrew, κεραίες και άλλα συναφή διότι "ένας σταθμός ασυρμάτου είναι τόσο καλός, όση καλή είναι η κεραία από την οποία εκπέμπει"
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Πειράματα με Υδρογόνο
Αυτή η ανάρτηση είναι ένα άρθρο μου στο περιοδικό του κλαμπ (SARC) στο οποίο είμαι μέλος στο Λονδίνο! Το αναρτώ στα Αγγλικά έτσι όπως το δημοσίευσα εδώ και σας δίνω μια ευκαιρία να ξετρίψετε τα Αγγλικά σας!!!
A little bit of History and theory first.
Hydrogen (from the Greek word υδρογονο= that makes water)
is a chemical element that has the symbol H and an atomic number of 1. At standard temperature and pressure it is a colourless, odourless, non-metallic, tasteless, highly flammable diatomic gas (H2). With an atomic mass of 1.00794 g/mol, hydrogen is the lightest element. Your body is made up of 1% hydrogen. Hydrogen is the most abundant of the chemical elements, constituting roughly 75% of the universe's elemental mass.
The first Hydrogen/Oxygen Generator was invented and patented on 1918, by Charles H. Frazer. In 1918, Charles H. Frazer received a patent for "hydro-booster" He found out hydro boosters work best with low-grade fuels. I can't understand why Hydro Boosters are ignored? Why are they suppressed? You still have to buy gasoline? My belief is that hydro boosters are a step in the right direction of a full-blown oxyhydrogen fuel system. This is why they are not mentioned or used in huge scale. You might be thinking, if this hydrogen booster were so great they would have been manufacturing them all this time. Not so, did you know that there are over 240 patents (since 1930) in the world on carburettors or fuel injection systems that get 100-250 MPG!!! And not ONE is being manufactured today! Do the math. If the average car today gets 20 MPG, imagine 100 MPG! That means the Oil Corps would lose 80%! Instead of $25 billion dollar quarter profits, they would make only $5 billion. Also the government makes a good percentage of profit per gallon; they would lose big revenues, so they are against any type of free energy.
How it works.
12 volts from your battery going to 2 electrodes in a water container that can take up to boiling temps, separates hydrogen gas on the cathode (-) rod and oxygen gas comes off the anode (+) rod from H2O with a 1-3% solution of electrolyte. KOH is the best electrolyte, but you can use lye, sulphuric acid. KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) is a base for the electrolysis to happen. Buy at chemical suppliers. The combo of Hydrogen & oxygen gases mix together burn clean and output a high combustion. It called HHO gas or e-gas. They act like a catalyst to your gasoline or propane burning engines. As long as you burn the gas as you drive there is no danger of storing/compressing the gases in tanks (like propane).
My experiments
As you can see at the photos I am using a small glass jar. I made 4 holes on the lid. 2 for the power supply (12DCV), 1 for the e-gas and 1 for the ventilation. The red mud start creating at the bottom is the result of the oxidation of the elements. I am using as you can see wood screws as electrodes lacking inox plates. Also by lowering the voltage between the elements you can reduce the red mud. One way to do it is to add elements with small gap between them and insulated from the live terminals. Or you can do the same thing but connecting the elements alternatively with the live terminals. I have done that by dismantle an old transformer and using the “I” elements separated by thin pieces of plastic. In this case the voltage between the plates is 2Volts approximate but a lot more HYDROXY can be produced. Unfortunately I don’t have photos of this experiment!
Until I buy the appropriate chemical for the electrolysis I am using Potassium Bicarbonate and distilled water. I haven’t tested it with my car yet and I don’t think that it will work because my car has an ECU like all modern cars. When the oxygen sensor will detect more oxygen coming in from the electrolysis is will reduce the air so the mixture will be richer having as result bigger consumption! In a car though with out ECU it will work miracles as it will give more oxygen for better combustion and better quality of fuel it self by adding hydrogen.
That is the whole idea of "On Board Electrolysis Fuel Cells". Only make enough gas as you need. After you build a hydro-booster it gets you to thinking, hey if this works why not make one that produces enough gas to run my car totally on water! That is the part the DOE, the Oil Corp.s do not want you to do. It will cut them off someday. So a gradual moving away from fossil fuels is on its way. A hydrogen booster is the first step. 100% Water, as a Fuel is the goal. So go for it Dudes!
73’s de m/sv3auw
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